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Email Writing Samples 

Relief Factor

Email 1

Congratulations on making it this far. Throughout your life, your body has been an incredible day-to-day tool. It’s let you taste delicious foods, see amazing sights, and move in ways that brings delight to your senses. Most bodies will do these things for your whole life, though the signs of aging do eventually come to the forefront.

If you’re reading this email, you probably know that with age comes certain body changes. What once was a pain-free movement now aches, creaks, and twinges. In years of clinical practice, we have refined reducing the pain associated with exercise, aging, and everyday living. Relief Factor is rooting for you on your path to total pain relief. We believe that with continued persistence, you will be with us on this.

We’ve noticed that you’ve unsubscribed from our plan. Like many of our customers, we realize that you probably did not see drastic results immediately. We want you to see the results as we have. Like all supplements, it takes some time for the body to become acclimated to the results.

With Relief Factor, patience is the key. You may not see results within the first month or even two months of taking it, but you will see it in the long term. It’s kind of like dieting – there’s no healthy way to lose weight that allows you to see overnight effects. But after continued use, you will feel the difference in how your body works. Taking Relief Factor consistently and without pause will eventually reveal the pain-free relief you’ve been waiting for.

As always, we encourage you to reach out with any questions, concerns, or success stories.

Best of Luck on Your Path to Healing,


Email 2

Hello to Our Valued Subscriber,

We’ve noticed that you’ve unsubscribed to our product packages. We know that our customers do this for a number of reasons, and we want to make sure that your reason isn’t something we can’t remedy. While we’re certainly sad to see you go, we assure you that your body will be sadder to see our products gone from its system. Here’s why.

We get many emails asking when our products will begin to take effect, and what we say to each one is that it is completely up to your body. Each human body is unique, and while many of our customers report feeling better sooner than later, there are still some for whom the effects take a little while to kick in. This is normal bodily processing, and sticking with our products might not show immediate results, but they will show results in the very near future.

For many, our supplements work in the same way that conventional medicines do. The body needs time to get used to the new things that are being introduced into it and take some time to grow accustomed to the new supplements. However, staying consistent and never skipping a dosage of our supplement will ensure that the natural damage that has already been done to your body with aging is not progressed and heals itself. Things take time, and our supplements are no exception to this rule.

We hope that with continued use of Relief Factor your pains will be a thing of the past. If you have any concerns or would like to resubscribe to our product, please be sure to contact us at your convenience. Relief Factor is here for you on your path to a pain-free life.

Thank you for your business,


Email 3

Dear [customer name],

Aging happens to more than just the best of us – it happens to all of us. While some of us age with grace, there are even more who are in constant pain from aging. Joints go bad, muscles become weaker, and you wake up feeling sorer than when you went to sleep. We don’t want that to happen to any of our Relief Factor customers. With many years of clinical study, we know for a fact that Relief Factor can help stave off the natural aches and pains of aging.

If you’re reading this, you’ve come a long way. You’ve already been taking our products for a few weeks, and now you’re ready for those monthly subscriptions. Chances are high that you are probably not noticing the effect of Relief Factor quite yet, but we are proud of you for making it this far. For many supplements like Echinacea, melatonin, and Fish Oil, users do not see their effects immediately. Like these, our product takes time.

With lasted, consistent use, Relief Factor helps lower the inflammation that comes with physical activity and everyday life. It needs time to do this, however, and we want you to see it through to the end. We promise that you’ll be happy you did.

Your testimony and trust are our greatest assets, and we hope to hear from you about your success story. However, we are also here for you for all other matters. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with your comments or concerns regarding the product. We work hard to make it work for you.

Here’s to many more years of pain-free living,

All of Us at Relief Factor

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